Egg Chicken Corn Soup Recipe| Healthy Soup Recipe [Oil Free]

Hello friends, hope you enjoyed my last delicious recipe steamed prawns / chingri bhapa. Today I want to share a super healthy and super tasty recipe with you. Which is totally oil free.yes it is true. A total oil free dish which you can enjoy at any time of the day with a slice of will keep your stomach full for about 2-3 hours. You can take it as breakfast,dinner also. It is so healthy that my health conscious friends can also have it without any tension of getting fat.this dish is so easy to make that you can make it any time when you are hungry.this healthy oil free egg chicken corn soup is a delicious yet healthy dish to let’s start our soup.
I’m using 5-6 ingredients in this dish. You can put some more vegetables like capsicum. you can put sweet corn in the place of baby corn will taste the don’t worry.

Ingredients –
- baby corn (8-10)
- boneless chicken (250gm )
- Eggs ( 2 )
- Crushed black pepper ( 2 tablespoon )
- Green chili ( 2-3)
- Corn flour (2 tablespoon )
- Salt
- sugar
- water ( 5-6 bowl )
Preparation –
- Take chicken pieces. Clean them well.and keep aside.
- Now take baby corns and cut them into thin pieces and wash them well.
- Take 2-3 green chilies and chop them finely.
- Take 2 eggs and beat them well with 1 pinch of salt.
- In another bowl take 2 tablespoon corn flour and add 4-5 tablespoon water and mix it well.
Process –
- To start our oil free egg chicken corn soup take 5-6 bowl water in a pressure cooker.
- now add 250 gms of boneless chicken. put salt as per taste.
- then add chopped baby corn and cover the lid of cooker.and wait for 3-4 whistle.
- Now open the lid and take the chicken pieces out.let them cool and shred them into small pieces.
- put the shredded chicken in the pressure cooker again.
- now add crushed black pepper, chopped green chilies and 1 teaspoon sugar in and mix well.
- Put the flame on and start boiling the mixture on high flame.
- When the mixture starts boiling add the beaten eggs in the mixture and mix them with the boiling soup with a spoon.
- After 4-5 minutes add the mixture of corn flour and mix it well till the soup gets thickened slightly.
- boil it for another 3-4 minutes and your healthy and super tasty soup is ready to serve.
- I’m not using even any hint of butter here.if you want to add some butter on your soup than you can add it.but I’ll tell you to not add any butter or anything else. It will taste yummy even without anything. serve it smoking hot with a slice of bread.or you can eat this without anything.

How about adding a dash of fresh parsley!
Of course you can add if you like the flavour of parsley…